Where I've been

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

The new year

After a delayed flight and an overnight stay in Sydney, dad finally got home. It was great fun having him here.. all the street-street that we did! But I think it kind of wore me out, coz on monday I got sick.. haha.. Anak yg baek kan? nunggu bapaknya pulang sebelum mau sakit..

So anyway, Uni started on Monday as well, but I ended up bolos-ing (crazy indo-english mix :S ) cause I wasn't feeling well.. Spent All day yesterday in bed watching Scrubs, taking medicine and eating.. dvd's spread out all over my room, a bag of tissues beside my bed, uni books on the floor, and clothes everywhere, I mean absolutely everywhere, on the flooor, on the bed dad was using, hanging off the cupboard doors, poking out of draws and hanging off random nails sticking out of the walls... My room couldn't possibly have been any worse... but I was sick, right... I didn't want to clean it all up... and there, out of nowhere came something horrible... a voice.... it was calling... "Bondan..... Bondan..." the curtain opened... it was Vando.... "It's ok" I thought.. not too embarrassed if  Vando saw my room like this... but it wasn't just Vando.. he brought Heru, Kiki and Lindsay (cowoknya vando hehe) so the first time the new guy saw my room it looked like a bomb hit it... they were all asking if there was an earthquake in my room... but what can ya do..  hehe

oh yeah.. speaking of which, I haven't mentioned cowoknya vando before (just teasing btw.. semester ini vando jadi pendamping) All the new Aussies are here, I think there are about 25 of them.. They're not too bad at Indonesian either, dont think it will take them long to get it. (assuming they socialise with Indo people)

Dont think I've got much other news... its Winnie's Birthday today... dunno what we're gonna do for it... thinking about celebrating it in a few days, cause I'm sick.. hehe, tomorrow or friday I should be fine.

anyways, thats it for now.. hope all is well in Australia!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

geez george why didnt ya tell me you was crook....distance i know.. barr humbug.

I know many a long year ago i said to you boys if you wanted to live like pigs then that was ok but honestly to have your room in such disarray ..... remember i also used to say you should keep it tidy for when visitors pop in...you guys would laugh at me and just say ... yeah yeah but its ok mum..!!!! ha ha ha ha ha well now YOU know... its NOT ok hahahahhaha
Hope youre feelin a lil better
Happy Birthday Winnie

Love ya xmumx