Where I've been

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Hidupku berulang-ulang

Cold Pizza for breakfast... going to bolos my class... why? .. I have no reason... I don't know what's gotten into me lately, why am I so up and down recently?? Karena aku mau pulang? mungkin... aku bingung aja.. aku bisa liat, kalo aku kayak ini, temenku ga enak, tapi aku ga bisa berubah. aku ga mau kayak gni terus. aku udah minta maaf berkali-kali, tapi tetap ga bisa berubah.. aku takut.. terakhir kali aku merasa kayak ini, itu akhiri dengan aku depresi selama setahun lebih.. 

Otakku lagi hancur, kalo nulis pikiranku, itu terlalu susah, membingungkan dan aneh.. jadi gini aja ya...


Rad Sujanto said...
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Rad Sujanto said...

lol.. perpanjang stay nya saja kalau masih belum siap pulang =)

Dama said...

bon kenapa? u ok? ayo have fun sm yg lain! my last moments in jogja were wonderful, thanx to u and the others. you have to enjoy ur last weeks there, too. hav fun sm yg lain, talk to them, go out somewhere (code, shelter, kaliurang), go crazy again. dont be sad ya bondaaaaan. cheer up you emo kid!


mitayani said...

bondeen... :`( sedih bacanya......
:-( jangan sedih ya bon.. aku pulang jogja bsk rabu, dan kita bisa mtt...:-D
miss u.

Anonymous said...

heya george ....dont waste time being down in the dumps or worrying about your time there coming to an end too soon .... you will be back there again and you will always have the memories of the fantastic times etc ... live it up.. enjoy the last few weeks ... xmumx